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Ghana Swim League Participation Terms and Conditions

By willingly registering to participate in all events organized by the Ghana Swim League (GSL), our team understands, acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees to the following terms and conditions. These terms are binding upon registration and participation.

My Team understands that participation in the Ghana Swim League involves inherent risks and agrees to take responsibility for and carry these inherent risks. These risks include but are not limited to risks that may arise from:
● Traveling to and from events
● Engaging in swimming activities
● Adverse weather conditions
● Imperfect conditions on the property where the events are taking place
● Potential exposure to health hazards and infectious diseases
● Equipment failure
● Injuries and damages
● Participants of varying skill levels
● Situations beyond the immediate control of the league organizers
● Other unforeseeable or unknown risks

Consequently, My Team knowingly and freely accepts to take full responsibility for the individual conduct and safety of its swimmers, coaches, supporters, property, and equipment and accepts all risks (both known and unknown) injuries, loss of property and damages that may occur.

My Team further agrees that GSL, the Ghana Government and any other local authority where there is a League Venue or event (and their respective executive members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors, or agents) (“Released Parties”) accepts no responsibility, to the extent permitted by law, for any injury, loss or damage.

My Team shall thereby take all reasonable measures to protect My Team from the risks of participation and the activities we undertake during the meets and My Team will ensure that all its members will be in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in the events of the league and no member of My Team will be under the influence of alcohol or any illicit or prescription drugs which could impair or enhance their ability to safely participate in the events of the league.

My team and its members’ names, nicknames (if any), assumed names (if any), image, voice, performance, signature, and likeness (“the Image Rights”) may be photographed, filmed, broadcast, identified or otherwise captured or recorded during competition, or any other events incidental to My Team’s participation in the League.

We give our unconditional and irrevocable consent to the Ghana Swim League, or anyone authorized by them to capture or record the Image Rights during the League and/or any other events incidental to My Team’s participation in the League (‘the Footage’) and to copy, publish, broadcast, distribute and communicate the Footage in perpetuity to the public by any means, in any format and on any media or technology whether now existing or created in the future, as may be agreed by the GSL without payment or liability to My Team. The Footage shall be the GSL’s exclusive property for the duration of the league, and upon completion of the league.

My Team also waives all moral rights in the Footage and release and discharge the GSL from all claims whatsoever including any claims relating to My Team’s moral rights in connection with the use of the Image Rights in the Footage and My Team’s moral rights in them.

My Team also consents to, and licenses the use of, the Image Rights in perpetuity for all other current or future purposes (both commercial and non-commercial) authorized by the GSL in relation to the preparation, operation, advertising, marketing and promotional activities in connection with the GSL and/or any commercial partners of the GSL from time to time but excluding any use that decidedly or conspicuously suggests a direct commercial association and/or endorsement between my image or my service without my prior written consent (which should not be unreasonably withheld).

My Team further agrees that, except as permitted by the GSL, we will not allow names, picture, or sports performance of members of My Team (including without limitation the Image Rights) to be used for commercial, advertising, marketing or promotional purposes by any other person or entity at or during the league.

My Team further undertakes not to perform any act or be involved in any situation that brings the GSL and the commercial partners of the GSL into disrepute. My Team also agrees that My Team shall not be entitled to conduct, carry out or cause to be conducted or carried out or engage in any form of ambush marketing and shall not conduct any activity that conflicts with, infringes upon, or impairs the rights of the GSL or any commercial partner.

My Team agrees that any still photographs or still images taken by My Team at the League are for personal, private, noncommercial, and non-promotional purposes only, unless prior written consent is obtained from the GSL.

My Team accepts that all broadcast rights associated with the League are reserved for official broadcasters. Therefore, My Team agrees we will not record, or transmit in any form, moving images of any part of any session in competition venues (e.g., live sport or ceremonies) during the league. My Team agrees that any recording or transmission of moving images shall be for personal, private, non-commercial, and non-promotional purposes only, unless prior written consent is obtained from the GSL.

My Team acknowledges and agrees that My Team’s personal social handles will be used to publish and share content relating directly to activities around the GSL. This content will include video clips, results, and images. Content will also be published on the official League channels and shared across National Federation and International Federation channels as appropriate but excluding any use that decidedly or conspicuously suggests a direct commercial association and/or endorsement between our image or our service, without our prior written consent (which should not be unreasonably withheld)

My Team confirms and agrees to comply with the rules and responsibilities applicable to our participation in the League, in particular those arising from the following:-
● the GSL Constitution and rules of the GSL including the GSL Code of Ethics and
Conduct which is contained within the GSL Constitution, including any amendments
made from time to time as will be available on the GSL website
● the World Anti-Doping Code and any other applicable related regulations
● the GSL social media Policy and Guidelines
● any charter, code, or standards (including any update thereof) for the conduct of
participants during the League
● all relevant policies, procedures, and regulations of the GSL (as applicable and as
amended from time to time) which will be set out at
● any set of rules, guidance and/or instructions (including any update thereof), such
as any playbooks developed by the GSL for the League, which aim to protect the
health of all participants in the League and to ensure the safe staging of the League,
in particular in relation to Covid 19 and any other infectious diseases, while
attending the meets, including any potential consequences, which may include
quarantine measures, and/or the right to participate in the League.

As a condition of My Team’s entry and participation in the League I agree to familiarize My Team with and comply with the relevant provisions, rules, statutes, and regulations set out above including the rules and regulations of my National Federation (‘NF’). My Team undertakes to notify GSL immediately should there be any change to My Team’s personal information contemplated by this form which relates to My Team’s registration for, attendance at, or participation in the League. My Team further agrees to abide by any classification rules of My Team’s sport.

My Team agrees that We must complete any security and accreditation documentation in the form by the date requested by the GSL, and My Team must be eligible to receive and to continue to hold accreditation from the GSL during the league. My Team acknowledges and agrees that My Team will be held responsible to pay for direct and actual costs of any damage which My Team intentionally, accidentally and/or recklessly may cause to any property at the competition venues except where such damage is caused by reasonable wear and tear because of training for or competing in the League

My Team agrees that we will remain aware and informed of any specific measures and rules adopted or implemented by the GSL, the Ghana Government, any other entities involved in the implementation of such measures, which may be included in any rules, guidance and/or instructions (including any updates thereof) and understand the importance of complying therewith as a condition to My Team being granted and to maintain My Team’s accreditation for the League. Some of the measures may be considered medical acts subject to My Team’s express written consent and may require the direct or indirect collection and processing of My Team and its members’ personal data, including health related information

My Team irrevocably releases the Released Parties from any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury, infectious disease, death, economic loss, indirect loss, or consequential loss however caused, for any default, failure or negligence (to the extent permitted by law) in relation to our participation in and activities during the League.

Where a term of this waiver and release contravenes the law of the relevant jurisdiction under which any legal action is brought it will not apply, however such terms are severable and do not invalidate the remaining terms.

My Team has read and understood the following privacy notices applicable to this form
(as updated from time to time: GSL Privacy Policy

My Team agrees that any dispute or differences relating to or arising from our participation in the League, other than with respect to Anti-Doping matters where the World Anti-Doping Rules shall apply, shall be resolved by the GSL.